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The National University (NU) Public Health Student Organization (PHSO) is managed by undergraduate and graduate student club officers with the assistance of a faculty advisor. Leadership positions are open for application.

Eligibility criteria for an officer position include

  • Good academic standing in a public health degree program

  • Completing at least 4.5 credits

  • Attend at least two meetings​


Alessandra White

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Trishten Rogers

Student Engagement and Neworking

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Jennifer Zuniga

Vice President

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Sanela Sanborn

Alumni Engagement Officer

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Julien Orellana



Tonya Lawrence

Public Health Program Coordinator


Jasmin Garcia


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Ritika Bhawal

PHSO Faculty Advisor


Become a student leader!


Applications for leadership are currently:



Leadership positions will be announced upon their opening

President: The President shall have active management over club meetings, providing an agenda and posting the agenda in compliance with the Brown Act. The club President will preside over voting and membership.


Vice President: The Vice President shall act under the direction of the President and in the absence of the President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. The Vice-President shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as the President may from time to time prescribe. The Vice-President shall act as presiding officer of board meetings.


Student Engagement and Networking: The Student Engagement and Networking coordinator shall conduct outreach, manage social media sites, and assist in the planning and coordinating of monthly events.


SecretaryThe Secretary shall record the minutes of all meetings, keep a file of the club’s records, maintain a current roster of membership, issue notices of meetings and conduct the general correspondence of the club.


Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all funds and process requests for payment, deposit slips, and officer signature forms, as well as keep an itemized account of all receipts and expenditures and make reports as directed.


Alumni Engagement Officer: The Alumni Engagement Officer shall connect undergraduate and graduate student members with NU alumni for mentorship, internships, and capstone opportunities. They will also keep NU Public Health alumni aware of PHSO activities.

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